The Pearl by Angela Elwell Hunt

The Pearl by Angela Elwell Hunt

Author:Angela Elwell Hunt
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: ebook, book
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Published: 2010-09-13T00:00:00+00:00


WITH SOME DIFFICULTY, I MANAGED TO TEMPER MY excitement while I returned to the air studio, taped a series of promos, then ran to the grocery store to pick up a short list of family necessities. As the grandfather clock in the foyer chimed six o’clock, I swept into the kitchen on a tide of rising euphoria. Steve and Brittany were eating sub sandwiches at the bar while my dinner, still wrapped in waxed paper, waited on the counter.

I heaved the grocery bags onto the stove, then cast my family a faintly reproving look. “What? No waiting for the mother?” The note of cheer in my voice contradicted my rebuke, and at the sound of it both Steve and Britt looked up, clearly suspicious.

Not willing to broach the subject of cloning with Brittany in the room, I grabbed my sandwich and sat next to Steve, forcing myself to relax. I would explain the cloning project to him first, get his approval, then tactfully approach Brittany. Thoughts of a new brother or a pregnant mother would not thrill her, but by the time the baby came she’d be away at college. She could begin her new life while we started over again with our new son.

I took a bite of the low-fat club sandwich. Amazing what they could do with meats and peppers and a little lettuce. “Delicious.” I smiled at my husband. “Thanks for getting dinner.”

“What are you so cheery about?” Steve gave me a dubious glance. “Pick up a couple of new stations today?”

I shrugged and swallowed. “Maybe. Things are going well with the show.”

Brittany must have sensed something in the air, for she gulped the remainder of her sandwich, took a perfunctory swallow of her Coke, then left the table, beverage in hand. I watched her carry the forbidden glass up the stairs and decided to let the infraction slide. I needed to speak to Steve, and I didn’t want to wait.

“I had lunch with Andrew Norcross today.” I kept my tone light and bright. “He was very interesting and well-prepared. I think you would like him.”

Steve kept eating, but his eyes said, Oh, really?

I pressed on. “Because we’ll be helping Project One by allowing them to go public with our story, they’re willing to give us a break on the fees. They’ll take care of everything—all treatments, services, and follow-up, for one hundred fifty thousand.”

Steve found his voice. “Dollars?”

“That’s right.”

“American dollars?”

“Of course, American dollars! And I was careful to mention all your concerns. Yes, you were right, the founder of Project One is a Raelian, but the cloning group in no way disseminates his religious beliefs. And Andrew assured me they will respect our pro-life convictions. They will withdraw several eggs from my ovary, but they will use only one at a time for the DNA transfers. If the first embryo doesn’t implant, for instance, they’ll process another, but they will not create several embryos and then freeze them. I told him we couldn’t allow that.”

He lifted one brow, suggesting in marital shorthand that I had taken leave of my senses.


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